Monday, March 15, 2010

I have caved...

I feel as though creating a blog is akin to buying a bubble dress. They really aren't the most flattering thing in the world, but everyone has one and seems to pull it off, so you get one too. I can't say that I own any sort of bubble-esque clothing, but I here by am starting my very own blog. I'm not quite sure what my definite purpose is in establishing this, but I am hoping that purpose will evolve as time passes. I do know that the last 2 years of my life have sequentially gotten better, and God has been moving in greater, fuller and more incredible ways each and every day. I have received revelation, inspiration, confirmation, confrontation, restoration, and every other God-given "action or condition" ("action or condition" is what the suffix "-ion" means, haha) you could possibly think 0f as I seek to serve Him with all I say and do.
I guess you could say that I hope this blog inspires you to allow God to do the same in your life in whatever capacity He desires.
I returned from working with the Dream Center in LA yesterday, and what I learned from the trip is partially embodied in a story told by the guest speaker, Pastor Bill Cornelius, at Angelus Temple Thursday night. God had called him to pray for 100 hours straight. The first 10 hours were spent asking God to do something big; the next 90 hours were spent under the realization that God was and is doing something bigger than he could ever imagine and all he could do is ask God to allow him to be a part.
That's basically where I am right now, I am realizing how much bigger God, His plan, and His bride is each and every day, and I just want to be a part of it.
I am from Kalamazoo, MI, I live in Columbia, SC, I just got back from LA, and everywhere I go there is such a vast need for love, for life and for truth. My mission is to follow God's voice with radical obedience as I seek to be a vessel of His life,His love and His truth in whatever corner of the world I am placed. All of this is only possible with the infilling, anointing and power of the Holy Spirit.
Francis Chan said in His book Forgotten God, "I don't believe God wants me (or and of His children) to live in a way that makes sense from the world's perspective, a way I know I can 'manage.' I believe He is calling me-and all of us-to depend on Him for living in a way that cannot be mimicked or forged."
Mother Teresa (who is basically one of my role models, as cliche as that may sound) said, "I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world."
This life is the life I desire to live. This blog is hopefully going to be a tool for you who read it (whether its 1 person or 1000) to live a life that gives hope to a needy world and praise to a more than deserving God.

I think that's all I have for tonight. I hope really hope I don't sound too cliche or cheezy as I write this blog, but I guess that's just something I'll have to risk! Vulnerability just has such a high price sometimes, sheesh!

Good night, all and thank you for listening:)


  1. O my sister I'm so excited for what God has for you... :) and I'm glad to have another (more life-giving) blog to read other than save-the-servers... haha. Love you so much

  2. Sarah, your blog was powerful, heart-felt, and KK (Kimberly) and I totally resonate with it.

    We'd like to invite you to come to Austin and spend a week with us and do ministry with us. I know God would use it! If you can cover traveling costs you don't have to worry about anything else--stay in our place, eat our food, and just do life for Jesus here in Austin.
