Saturday, March 20, 2010

An Inauguration by Lions, Plants, and Fruit...

Ok, I was talking to my mother the other day, and she says, "I see you are a blogger now."
I reply, "No, I'm pretty sure there's some blogger code, and you have to post more than one blog to be an actual 'blogger.' "
So here goes my "blogger inauguration"...
I've been reading In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day by Mark Batterson (its required by GMT for my Malaysia Internship), and the first chapter shook my world a little bit. Let me share a portion with you,
"I think the church has fixated on sins of commission for far too long. We have a long list of don'ts. Think of it as holiness by subtraction. We think of holiness as a byproduct of subtracting something that shouldn't be there. And holiness certainly involves subtraction. But I think God is more concerned about sins of omission-those things we could have and should have done. Its holiness by multiplication. Goodness is not the absence of badness. You can do nothing wrong and still do nothing right."
That's a little earth-shattering, eh? Mark Batterson goes on to explain a far more spiritual than the norm definition of the aphorism, "No guts, no glory." If we are not willing to step up and out of our personal comfort zone, our safety net; if we are unwilling to act in faith, gutsy/gut-wrenching faith, we are, in actuality, robbing God of His rightful glory. James 4:17 states, "So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin."

I don't know about you, but all of this makes me a tad bit uncomfortable.

Ok, that was part one, part two is a little more personal; I'm actually just going to write out of a journal entry. God laid this on my heart after I got back from LA.

"My responsibility right now is to disciple, which I think is the equivalent to 'Apollos watered' in 1 Corinthians. Some plant seed, some water seed-all of us have different purposes. I think I am a better planter than water-er. I don't necessarily have that shepherding heart like Pastor Stephen, that fervency to disciple like PD, but I do know the great importance of discipling...I do desire to spark something-to birth desire, to open eyes to the truth, to open hearts to love, to bring souls to life-not at all by my strength but by the Lord's. So I think maybe I am more of a planter that a water-er...but right now, I am in a season of watering, of discipling. That is my current responsibility, thus my current 'holy calling.' That means I need to be discipling with my whole heart. So, be it on the street, at work, or in a store talking with a complete stranger where I am more naturally passionate or be it with my AC [small group] girls, my apartment girls, girl's Sunday school, or in class-may I be sensitive to the Spirit's calling, to the Father's voice. May I have divine appointments even with those in SCSL; may I be filled with expectancy in the season I am in currently."
Basically I felt like God was stressing the importance of bearing fruit in season and out of season, of living with a level of expectancy, an intensity of passion, and a sense of urgency no matter the season or time. I may have discovered a hidden passion for street evangelism ("evangelism" in the sense of just being a vessel of God's love to whoever "happens" to cross your path); but I can't jip the people God has placed in my life to disciple just because I don't feel a certain way.
And that is why its all about Him and His power, strength and righteousness-His kingdom.

Wherever he puts me, in whatever position, I just want to work for His glory, and His kingdom's cause.

Sorry this one is so long, I have a goal to keep my posts short-ish; obviously I'm not being very successful!

Have a wonderful first day of Spring!


  1. Insightful posting...I'm going to have to read Batterson's book. I've read one of his before, but it's the second time in a week or so that I've heard or seen the title mentioned. I love you and you're awesome! Vita
