Sunday, May 30, 2010

I'm a part of something beautiful...

So, I have officially been out of the States since Wednesday, starting with an overnight layover in Korea. Seriously, one night felt like one glorious week as Gina (my travel buddy) and I romped around Seoul.
I already have a plethora of stories and such, but I kinda just want to use this blog as an opportunity to tell you what God has put on my heart.

A year or so ago, when I traveled to Honduras, I experienced what I saw to be a bit of heaven on earth. At the church in Sambo Creek, I felt as though I had a glimpse into what worship in heaven will be like- every tribe, every nation and even every age and style of worship joined together in one accord to the King of kings and the Lord of lords!
I got another sense while in church today. This church is another piece of the bride of Christ. The bride of Christ is so diversely and uniquely unified. All I could think about is that I have the privilege to be a part of something beautiful, but as the service continued I realized something even more beautiful-our beauty is merely a reflection of Christ's! We as the body of Christ are each individually part of something beautiful. But we have an even greater purpose-to complete that which reflects Christ's beauty. I recently read the book Unveiled at Last which speaks about a two-fold Christianity. I believe Psalms 67 describes it best,
"God be gracious to us and bless us, And cause His face to shine upon us— That Your way may be known on the earth, Your salvation among all nations."
God's beauty is shining on His bride, but there is a far greater purpose; to share that beauty, to share His name on the Earth, to further and complete His bride!

Maybe its the Evangelist in me, or maybe just the Christian in general; the glorious beauty of God's blessing and the shining of His face is far to marvelous to keep to yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah =]
    While I was reading this, I could hear you speaking to me. <3
    Yesterday, Cara Heisey & I were at church [in PA] and we were talking about how we are the reflection of Christ and Cara was just like, "We are God's glitter!!!" It was adorable. And I wanted to tell you that your reflection is simply breathe taking.
    I'm praying for you today, that God will continue to speak to you and your new understanding of His character will move you so much that it overflows onto others and the joy of the Lord would consume everyone around you.
    It is such an honor having you as a Cymbrogi sister. Know you are deeply loved & admired.
